You want to become an investor? 

 To become an investor you must have the following conditions:

  1. Having a strong desire and motivation, such as simply to make money, to secure your retirement, to be able to afford those items you dream about or to pay for a child's college education.
  2. Willing to learn,because the world of investing is very dynamic , so you should always learn at all times.
  3. Ability to control your emotions, and sometimes patience. 

Why should you invest?. The reason is very simple, just about how to get more money for your life. If you want to not worry about how to buy a new home, buy a new car, get the latest new phone or camera and else, then you need another source income, and investment is one of the promising sources of revenue gains.

So many types of investments that you can do, such as investing in gold, stocks, bonds, property, and other investments. We will discuss the types of investments in the next article. But you should remember is in addition to promising great benefits, investment also carries the risk that will make you lose your money.
You should be cautious in deciding the type of investment that you will do.

The basic principle is greater the risk, the greater the benefits you will receive. as seen in the following chart :
Saturday, February 26, 2011 | 0 comments | Labels:


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