Do you have understand the investment style of Warren Buffet part 1? If so, then it is time we move on to part 2. Here's how investing as taught by Warren Buffet.
- Never be tempted to offer a wealth of transactions quickly, which involves a company that is relatively complicated.
- When you are confident about the prospects of a strong business, act aggressively and increase your investment to strengthen its position.
- Do not trade just for the purpose of the transaction.
- Stop seeing stock prices every day.
- Look for quality business with low prices, for reasons other than business fundamentals or quality management.
- Do not go near the herd that was raging. If not, you and your investment will probably drift.
- Ignore the stock market forecasts.
- Be afraid when others greedy, and greedy while others fear.
March 2, 2011 at 1:12 AM
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